
Showing posts from November, 2024

The Curiosity rover found strange structures on Mars.

"NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover captured this last look at a field of bright white sulfur stones on October 11, before leaving Gediz Vallis channel. The field was where the rover made the first discovery of pure sulfur on Mars. Scientists are still unsure exactly why these rocks formed here. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS" (ScitechDaily, NASA’s Curiosity Rover Uncovers Mars’ Mysterious Spiderweb Rocks and Hidden Crystals) There was warm water on Mars about 4,41 million years ago. But then. Some cosmic catastrophe destroyed that sea on Mars. We can see remnants of that sea today. But cosmic rays turned that planet into a dry and cold place. Cosmic events can push large planes off their trajectories. The case of Formalhaut B is an event where a cosmic catastrophe turned a planet that orbited the star,  Formalhault into a molecular cloud.  The strange spiderweb rocks are things. That can make a breakthrough for the researchers researching living organisms on that planet. The spiderw...