
Showing posts from April, 2024

Could the dark energy be energy that existed before the Big Bang?

Could the dark energy be energy that existed before the Big Bang? Or is it energy that the energy level is below the energy minimum, zero kelvin in our universe?  The cosmic microwave background is evidence of the "Big Bang". The Big Bang was an event that formed the entire universe. And all material and energy that we know were released on that event. The cosmic microwave background is the echo from the Big Bang.  The echo that forms when radiation jumps between particles. The Big Bang itself was more some kind of burst than an explosion. The burst caused the disturbance that formed quark-gluon plasma. The quark-gluon plasma formed a long time after the Big Bang. The universe must be cold enough. That energy or wave movement can form those quarks and gluons.  But then we can think about the cosmic microwave background and its relationship with dark matter. And especially, dark energy. The cosmic background is the three-kelvin radiation. The cosmic background is not very hot.

The infinite discussion about the topic: "Are we alone in the universe?" continues.

The infinite discussion about the topic: "Are we alone in the universe"?continues maybe forever. Maybe the human descendants who look at the white dwarf that once been the Sun continue this discussion. And when our descendants move to another solar system.  They face the model that they turn aliens into each other. When the sun explodes a nova eruption is the final moment for our descendants that they must leave. Or they can let the sun destroy them. In that moment. The sun used all its fuel.  Before that moment the sun turns into a red giant, and maybe that species will move to a longer distance from the sun. That species will not be like humans at all. Genetic engineering and controlled evolution cause that. This futuristic species will not be like we are. We must wake up and think about the game theory. The idea of the Game theory is that all individuals and species want to maximize their benefits. The alien species should follow the game theory model. And they also want t

Lonely civilizations face the dominant lion's problem.

M.C Escher's "Another World"  Lonely civilizations face the dominant lion's problem.  Lone civilization on the lone planet faces the dominant lion's problem. If on some planet is one intelligent species, it turns to dominate quite easily. Without the outside threat species can fall into internal disagreements. The size of the population grows too fast, and that means species will eat everything from their planet. A fast-growing population causes the need to create new solutions fast. Those solutions involve housing and energy solutions that are not analyzed as they should.  Those quick solutions will just push the problem to the future, and same way those inadequate ones seem very effective. And when they escalate through the entire planet. They grow the problems that they cause to enormous scale. Those things are solutions that seem good in a short period. But in a long period, they cause more problems than they solve.  The main problem with the brain in a vat th

Techno ghosts.

Image: Big Are past people here in the form of stored EEG?  Have you ever heard of the term "techno ghost"? Many people think that that term means the hologram. This is one of the biggest misunderstandings in the world. Techno ghost can mean artificial intelligence that imitates people who passed away. Or it can mean a person. Whose memories and EEG are copied into the computer's hard disks.  Then, the modified BCI (Brain Computer Interface)  system drives those things into the cloned people's brains. Maybe, that vision seemed impossible, but the fact is that. Brain implants make it possible. That person's EEG can stored on the internet during their entire life. Then the system must only make a clone of that person, and drive those memories into that cloned person's brain.  Biocomputer is "brain in a vat".  The biocomputer can reach the human intelligence level easily.  At this point, we must realize. Even if somebody is a brain in a vat, t

Can we find lifeforms in the icy moon's oceans, or in Venus's clouds?

"An artist’s rendition of Saturn’s moon Enceladus depicts hydrothermal activity on the seafloor and cracks in the moon’s icy crust that allow material from the watery interior to be ejected into space. New research shows that instruments destined for the next missions could find traces of a single cell in a single ice grain contained in a plume. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech" (ScitechDaily, Astrobiological Breakthrough: Detecting Life in the Ice Grains of Outer Moons) The next step in the search for extraterrestrial lifeforms is to search them in the ice grains of the icy moons. The icy geysers can send ice grains into the gas giant's orbiter. And those ice grains can involve the alien bacteria's DNA. It's possible. Those icy moons are not habitable.  But when we think about the possibility of finding some kind of lifeforms on those moons, Or, the lifeforms can rather be found in those moons' icy oceans. The DNA-based lifeforms might not be similar to bacteria on E

There are always more than three actors in the real world.

"An international research team is advancing precision timekeeping by developing a nuclear clock using thorium isotopes and innovative laser methods, potentially transforming our understanding of physical constants and dark matter. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Unveiling the Thorium Nuclear Clock and Its Time-Twisting Secrets) From Three-body problem... There are no pure three-body systems in nature. There are always more than three components in the system. For making real three-body systems we must separate those three bodies from the environment. Otherwise, there are stable effects. But nobody can predict some effects like distant supernova explosions or sun eruptions.  And one of those things that affect all bodies is time. When radioactive materials decay. That affects the stability and symmetry of the object.  Energy levels affect the existence of things like neutrons. The thorium atom clocks are next-generation tools for time measurement.

Elliptic light polarization can act as a model for things like wormholes.

' "Two different powered, polarized lasers combine in the process of High Harmonic Generation. CreditSteven Burrows/Becker Group" (ScitechDaily, Quantum Light’s “Goldilocks” Zone: Perfecting Elliptical Polarization) Researchers can use elliptical light polarization to observe ultra-fast electron dynamics. It can used to create the hollow light that protects some structures against outside outcoming non-controlled effects. Researchers created a "new method to produce extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and x-ray light with elliptical polarization, a special shape in which the direction of light waves’ oscillation is changing. This method could provide experimentalists with a simple technique to generate such light, which is beneficial for physicists to further understand the interactions between electrons in materials on the quantum level, paving the way for designing better electronic devices such as circuit boards, solar panels, and more." (ScitechDaily, Quantum Light’s

Kugelbilz crafts, and interstellar traveling.

   The image above portrays the hypothetical black hole spacecraft. The black hole forms in the ring. The system can use at least one black hole's relativistic jets for traveling.  "A kugelblitz is a theoretical astrophysical object predicted by general relativity. It is a concentration of heat, light or radiation so intense that its energy forms an event horizon and becomes self-trapped. In other words, if enough radiation is aimed into a region of space, the concentration of energy can warp spacetime so much that it creates a black hole. This would be a black hole whose original mass–energy was in the form of radiant energy rather than matter,however as soon as it forms, it is indistinguishable from an ordinary black hole.". (Wikipedia, Kugelblitz (astrophysics)) In this hypothetical spacecraft, the system creates a black hole in its body. The idea is that the black hole will pull quantum fields to the craft. That should allow to create speed. That is higher than the sp