Could the dark energy be energy that existed before the Big Bang?
Could the dark energy be energy that existed before the Big Bang? Or is it energy that the energy level is below the energy minimum, zero kelvin in our universe? The cosmic microwave background is evidence of the "Big Bang". The Big Bang was an event that formed the entire universe. And all material and energy that we know were released on that event. The cosmic microwave background is the echo from the Big Bang. The echo that forms when radiation jumps between particles. The Big Bang itself was more some kind of burst than an explosion. The burst caused the disturbance that formed quark-gluon plasma. The quark-gluon plasma formed a long time after the Big Bang. The universe must be cold enough. That energy or wave movement can form those quarks and gluons. But then we can think about the cosmic microwave background and its relationship with dark matter. And especially, dark energy. The cosmic background is the three-kelvin radiation. The cosmic background is not very ...