Could the dark energy be energy that existed before the Big Bang?

Could the dark energy be energy that existed before the Big Bang? Or is it energy that the energy level is below the energy minimum, zero kelvin in our universe? 

The cosmic microwave background is evidence of the "Big Bang". The Big Bang was an event that formed the entire universe. And all material and energy that we know were released on that event. The cosmic microwave background is the echo from the Big Bang. 

The echo that forms when radiation jumps between particles. The Big Bang itself was more some kind of burst than an explosion. The burst caused the disturbance that formed quark-gluon plasma. The quark-gluon plasma formed a long time after the Big Bang. The universe must be cold enough. That energy or wave movement can form those quarks and gluons. 

But then we can think about the cosmic microwave background and its relationship with dark matter. And especially, dark energy. The cosmic background is the three-kelvin radiation. The cosmic background is not very hot. But if its energy level is higher than the dark energy, the cosmic background radiation covers the dark energy below it. 

Dark energy is wave movement that is not visible. That means we don't have particles that can transmit the dark energy. So the origin of that wave movement is a mystery. And this thing causes interesting theories about the dark energy's origin. 

In some models, the dark energy is energy, that existed before the Big Bang. 

In theories, the quantum fields are like nets.  Very thin strings form those energy fields. That means the quantum field looks like the canvas. If there is a quantum field the energy level is lower than the energy minimum in the universe. That thing can explain dark energy. If there is a "hole" or lower energy area in that lower energy level quantum field, on that hole energy falls faster than otherwise. 

Fast-falling energy can form a standing wave that causes energy reflection. Those holes form the virtual particles that collect energy into one place. That thing can turn the vacuum energy into reality. In vacuum energy, there is a hole in the quantum field, and that hole starts to amass energy around that energy vacuum. 

If there is a superstring locked in that hole, it can explain why we cannot see the origin of dark energy. 

It's possible. That dark energy is radiation or wave movement, that existed before the Big Bang. The thing that supports this model is that the  Big Bang requires existing wave movement. That means there should be some kind of wave movement before the Big Bang. In the Big Bang, the material's energy level rises higher than its environment. So if there was some kind of wave movement before the Big Bang. 

That means this wave movement's energy level is lower than the energy minimum in the universe. The reason why we cannot see that energy field is this. The size of that dark energy field is enormous if we compare it with the universe. And the energy that falls from the 3D universe to that lower energy level field expands to so large area, that it cannot cause reflection. 

In one very interesting theory, dark energy is wave movement that existed before the universe was born. So in this model, dark energy has a lower energy level than the three-kelvin radiation. If this thing is true the dark energy pulls energy out from the universe. 

If there is radiation whose energy level is lower than the energy minimum, zero kelvin in the universe, that thing can pull energy out from the universe. Because energy always travels to a lower energy area. That causes an interesting theorem about dark matter and dark energy. 

If dark matter and dark energy are some kind of wave movement and particles whose energy level is lower than the energy minimum, those things cannot ever reach the 3D universe. If the material energy level is lower than the energy minimum. We cannot see that material. 

When a particle tries to reach an energy level that is so high, that it can exchange information with 3D particles the particle must come through the energy minimum. And when a particle reaches the same energy level as its environment. The existence of the particle ends. The particle will melt into its environment. And if the particle "wants" to rise through the energy minimum, it turns into energy immediately. This thing can explain why we cannot see dark matter or dark energy.


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