Dark energy and quantum teleportation


The idea of Stargate is that there should be a ring-shaped light wave on the frame. The system puts that light wave ring rotate very fast. Then there is a similar frame at the receiving side. The energy level of the receiving light ring should be lower. 

The energy level must be higher on the transmitting side. The system puts those light rings in superposition and entanglement. And that should make the quantum tornado between those two frames. 

Information travels between those superpositioned and entangled photon rings. The thing. What this system requires. Is energy. The system needs lots of energy to transport objects between planets and stars. So theoretically that system requires a black hole to focus enough energy into the frame that it can create a quantum tornado or wormhole. 

That is tight enough. That means the interplanetary system that transports people is far away in the future. But that system can make long-distance quantum teleportation true. 

In some theories, the superpositioned particles are the reason for the mystery called dark energy. In theories. There are 11 dimensions. And if there are two identical particles in the superposition and entanglement. We could send the transmitting particle to the higher dimensions. 

That means we could bring information to our third dimension by using that technology. In some theories, the energy that travels from the higher dimensions makes the thing that we call dark energy. Dark energy is energy that falls from the higher dimensions, and those dimensions can be in black holes.  

But then we can think about the superposition. And quantum entanglement. That is the key element in quantum computing. The requirement in quantum teleportation is that those particles or participants are in the same quantum field. In gravitation, the united quantum field forms a bridge between objects. Then the outside energy pushes those objects against each other. 

The superposition. and quantum entanglement are the case. Where information travels from the point. Or particle A to particle B through the quantum bridge. Energy and information always travel from higher energy levels to lower energy levels. 

The only thing that we must remember is this: those particles cannot ever reach the same energy level. That makes standing waves and destroys information. So what happens when two photons are put in superposition and entanglement? We can say that radiation makes the electromagnetic shadow that acts as an information tunnel between those particles. 

The photon is in the frame where it starts to rotate. That thing makes the electromagnetic spiral or tunnel between two photons that oscillate with the same frequency. The thing that limits the information transfer is that this tunnel is not tight enough. That means there are the energy fields like Hall fields through that structure. Those energy fields destroy the information.  

The thing that makes wormholes able to transport information through the universe is that it's so tight that outcoming energy fields cannot cross that structure. The thing that makes stable quantum entanglement possible is that the entanglement or information channel through those particles is long enough. The idea is that the quantum system transmits information in a vector-triangle-shaped form. 

The wormhole or energy tunnel. That this system makes must be so long, that the time itself keeps it open. The idea is that the system benefits the universe's expansion and should keep receiving part of the quantum entanglement in a lower energy level. The idea is that information will be transported through the light-years-long wormholes from the transmitting particles to the receiving particles. 

When we think about quantum teleportation the system that should teleport more complicated structures than single photons is basically possible. The system can make two identical quantum bubbles. Another one of those bubbles has a lower energy level. Then the system puts those bubbles into superposition and entanglement. Then the higher energy bubble pushes the object through that energy bridge. 

The spacecraft could make that bubble around it by exploding antimatter at the nanotubes in the craft's shell. Then there must be some system at destiny that makes the lower energy bubble. In some other versions, the spacecraft can have a fast-rotating electromagnetic field or photons (or some other particles) at its nose. Those particles should form electromagnetic tornadoes through the Higgs field. And those quantum tornadoes should pull craft forward. 


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