
Maybe the intermediate-mass black hole was only a cluster of stellar-mass black holes.

"Main) The dense star cluster Omega Centauri as seen by the La Silla Observatory; (inset top) an intermediete mass black hole; (inset bottom) a cluster of stellar mass black holes. (Image credit: ESO/Robert Lea)" (LiveScience, Missing link' black hole found? Not so fast, new study says) The intermediate-mass black hole in Omega Centauri is only the stellar-mass black hole cluster. That thing means that the intermediate-mass black hole waits for its finder. The intermediate-mass black holes might be far rarer than nobody imagines.  When the black hole collides with another black hole it raises its mass. That means the intermediate-mass black hole can be the intermediate stage for the black hole.  If an intermediate-mass black hole exists its event horizon area versus volume is far smaller than in a stellar-mass black hole. That means intermediate-mass black hole vaporization is slower than stellar-mass black hole. That thing causes a situation in the intermediate-mass blac...

Dark energy is not what we think.

The antigravity can be the "dark energy".  That means the gravity wave's wavelength can change when it hits some other gravity wave or quantum field. If that wavelength changes the gravitational effect of that (gravity) wavelength ends.  Is the wavelength transformation in gravity waves the reason for the effect called dark energy? Maybe gravity waves can transform into X-or gamma rays and that is the thing called dark energy or "antigravity".  The term "antigravity" can mean a situation where a gravity wave's wavelength changes. If the gravitational- or gravity wave's wavelength changes.  That means that. When a gravity wave's wavelength changes gravity wave is not a gravity wave anymore.  So if a gravity wave can transform or stretch to the gamma- or X-ray that explains dark energy. The simplest way to think about that thing is that dark energy can be a gravitational wave that impacts something. And that turns the gravitational waves into...

Dark energy and quantum teleportation

Stargate.  The idea of Stargate is that there should be a ring-shaped light wave on the frame. The system puts that light wave ring rotate very fast. Then there is a similar frame at the receiving side. The energy level of the receiving light ring should be lower.  The energy level must be higher on the transmitting side. The system puts those light rings in superposition and entanglement. And that should make the quantum tornado between those two frames.  Information travels between those superpositioned and entangled photon rings. The thing. What this system requires. Is energy. The system needs lots of energy to transport objects between planets and stars. So theoretically that system requires a black hole to focus enough energy into the frame that it can create a quantum tornado or wormhole.  That is tight enough. That means the interplanetary system that transports people is far away in the future. But that system can make long-distance quantum teleportation tru...

SETI, AI, and mirror bacteria. Can the first alien encounter happen with a creature that we created ourselves?

SETI, AI, and mirror bacteria.  Can the first alien encounter happen with a creature that we created ourselves?  If we want to find "another Earth".   First, we must determine. What does that other Earth mean this time? The other earth doesn't mean that there are any lifeforms. Or lifeforms are possible in the way we know them.   Does that mean a rocky planet? That is frozen like some giant Pluto? Or does that mean some locked planet? Or a planet where aliens listen to jazz music?  There is one interesting idea about the hypothetical alien civilizations. That could be at our level. They might reach Kardachev-scale 1. And that means they are only a little ahead of us. It's possible. We think that the messages that those civilizations send are coming from our own military forces. In that case, we must realize that the aliens might not want to send messages to other civilizations.  In that case, the data that the hypothetical civilization sends is acciden...

The Curiosity rover found strange structures on Mars.

"NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover captured this last look at a field of bright white sulfur stones on October 11, before leaving Gediz Vallis channel. The field was where the rover made the first discovery of pure sulfur on Mars. Scientists are still unsure exactly why these rocks formed here. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS" (ScitechDaily, NASA’s Curiosity Rover Uncovers Mars’ Mysterious Spiderweb Rocks and Hidden Crystals) There was warm water on Mars about 4,41 million years ago. But then. Some cosmic catastrophe destroyed that sea on Mars. We can see remnants of that sea today. But cosmic rays turned that planet into a dry and cold place. Cosmic events can push large planes off their trajectories. The case of Formalhaut B is an event where a cosmic catastrophe turned a planet that orbited the star,  Formalhault into a molecular cloud.  The strange spiderweb rocks are things. That can make a breakthrough for the researchers researching living organisms on that planet. The spiderw...

Researchers found a "pause" button that can stop the human embryo advance.

Researchers found a "pause" button that can stop the human embryo advance. And that thing can have many solutions. In the case of a mother's illness or injury, the medical team can save the embryo's life by stopping its advance. But that ability can make things like interstellar travel possible.  It's one theoretically, a very easy, way to transfer people to the other solar system if we don't want to get them back. The mission controllers can use the human embryos for the other solar system. Those colonists can have the robot controllers, and they can have the training material for the mission. That thing might not yet be possible. Because of our culture and moralistic-ethical thinking. Of course, technology sets limits to that kind of project.  "Research indicates that humans might harness a dormant diapause-like capability to optimize reproductive health and IVF success. (A dormant human blastoid.) Credit: © Heidar Heidari Khoei/IMBA" (ScitechDaily...

Can we find aliens someday in the future?

   In philosophy, the creature or object does not exist until we mention it. The existence is not black and white. It's like the grey spectrum under the drawing program.  The white is the position where we do not even mention the object. Then the scale goes to black through the levels of grey. Those levels are that we mention the object, discuss it, and then take images or other documents about it. And then the black is the fully proven evidence of the thing. The knowledge or even hypothesis makes the object exist.  So do alien civilizations exist or not? That is one of the greatest mysteries in the universe. Alien civilizations do not exist until we find evidence about their existence. But if we don't see alien civilizations or keep in contact with them daily, that doesn't make them non-existent. Civilization is real if it exists. And then it can exist 10,000 ly away from us.  That means we ever can make contact with them. Or do we? We all wait for the day when...