Dark energy is not what we think.

The antigravity can be the "dark energy". 

That means the gravity wave's wavelength can change when it hits some other gravity wave or quantum field. If that wavelength changes the gravitational effect of that (gravity) wavelength ends. 

Is the wavelength transformation in gravity waves the reason for the effect called dark energy? Maybe gravity waves can transform into X-or gamma rays and that is the thing called dark energy or "antigravity". 

The term "antigravity" can mean a situation where a gravity wave's wavelength changes. If the gravitational- or gravity wave's wavelength changes. 

That means that. When a gravity wave's wavelength changes gravity wave is not a gravity wave anymore. 

So if a gravity wave can transform or stretch to the gamma- or X-ray that explains dark energy. The simplest way to think about that thing is that dark energy can be a gravitational wave that impacts something. And that turns the gravitational waves into some other waves. 

If gravitational waves transform to some other wave they are not gravitational waves anymore. The wavelength makes that wave movement the gravity. If that wave movement changes. 

The gravity wave loses its existence and turns into another wave movement type. 

There have been lots of discussions about dark energy and its existence.

There are theories about dark energy. That it might be a virtual effect. 

The virtual effect forms when the universe expands. 

"A section of the three-dimensional map constructed by BOSS. Image credit: Jeremy Tinker and the SDSS-III collaboration. Credit: Jeremy Tinker and the SDSS-III collaboration" (Phys.org, Scientists detect mysterious suppression in cosmic structure growth)

Or it's the result of time dilation. That means that the material from the past or future brings energy or information to the present. If we think that black holes are like whirls that offer the port to the future we sometimes forget that the black hole is like a screw. 

The energy level at the border of the event horizon is one of the highest in the universe.

Time is frozen in the event horizon. Escaping velocity reaches the speed of light at that point. 

And that means the black hole can also bring information from the future to the past. We cannot see that energy or information. 

Because of black holes' acceleration disk and radiation from it cover the energy or information that black holes can bring from the future. 

It's possible. Gravity waves or the chancing wavelength in some other wave movement is the reason for dark energy. Gravitational waves should behave like any other wave movement. So when the gravitational wave impacts with cosmic vacuums or high-power gravitational fields, it can cause a change in its wavelength. When a gravity wave's wavelength changes its existence as the gravity wave ends. 

So if we stretch the gravity wave we can say that cosmic inflation also regards gravity. Just like other wave movements and materials. 

So when gravity waves impact each other that can change their wavelength. 

Why dark energy is interesting? The dark energy can form from another wave movement. So is it possible that gravity waves can turn into gamma rays in some natural reaction? When we look at things like the edge of the universe we face things that might be so fundamental that nobody dares to say that. 

When a gravitational wave goes out from the universe. In that case, a gravitational wave travels from the false vacuum to the real vacuum. In that case, the gravitational wave has no resistance. 

It goes to space where the energy level is far below the universe. There is no gravity- or other energy fields. That vacuum can pull gravitational waves straight. The universe is a so-called false vacuum that is full of quantum fields and those fields can change the wavelength of the gravity waves. 

The real vacuum can be the key element in the case called antigravity. We can say that antigravity can explain dark energy. 

Antigravity can mean the case where the gravity wave's wavelength changes or something like crossing gravity wave denies the gravitational interaction between two objects. 



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