Black hole starships. And interstellar visions.

 Black hole starships. And interstellar visions.

The key to everything is energy.

When a fusion system tries to ignite fusion. That thing forms a situation when the ignition starts. The plasma in the quantum system will send energy and then energy that comes out from the plasma ring creates an energy impact that destroys the entirety. And that means the plasma structure will break.

The problems with the next-generation particle-physics tools are the same as researchers found on fusion tests. It's theoretically possible to press electrons into Higgs Boson using laser rays. The problem is that at a certain moment, the quantum field jumps out from the particle. And that thing forms the quantum ring. That quantum ring means a standing wave that is forming around a particle.

And then the problem is that the laser rays cannot push that quantum ring against the particle. So there is a WARP bubble in the middle of that ring. The reason for that is energy that travels away from that particle. This system requires so high power that it presses that quantum ring back to the particle.

Theoretically is possible to create artificial neutron stars or even black holes by using lasers. In those cases, the lasers will press or kick all particles like electrons into the protons. In that case, the laser ray turns the atom into a miniature neutron star. Because protons have opposite polarity to electrons that means protons pull electrons into the atom's core and impact course to protons.

If those laser rays inject enough energy into the atom that thing can form a situation, where all the particles in the atom melt into one. That thing can form the quantum field that jumps outer side. And then other quantum fields that fill the quantum vacuum can turn this thing into an artificial black hole.

This kind of black hole could be a powerful tool. It can position the quantum ring in the right position. That helps energy travel to the particle, and that kind of quantum ring that touches the particle can send it to a faster-than-speed flight.

The light cone. At the speed of light, the time stops. And when the speed crosses the speed of light that thing causes a situation where time starts to travel backwards. That is called reverse time dilation.

Information condenses to the observer that is in the present. The image below tells why crossing the speed of light is so hard. Even if the particle can travel at the same speed. That is almost the speed of light.

The outside quantum field that impacts a particle's quantum field pushes that quantum field away. That forms a situation where the quantum field separates from the particle. In that case, the particle is separated from the quantum field. There is a lower energy area behind the particle. And then that thing pushes the particle backward.

In some other models, the particle turns so small, that the quantum field forms a quantum ring around it. Because outside energy cannot reach the particle, the energy starts to travel out from it. And that is one reason why that particle cannot reach the speed of light.

When we think another Einstein's beautiful ideas the curvature of spacetime. We can see how gravity forms a cone around the gravity center. That curvature means that energy fields are thicker in that cone. And that gravity pothole pumps more energy into the particle than otherwise.

General relativity is the theory of gravitation in curved spacetime. The curvature of spacetime means that the energy fields condense near the gravitational center.

Tipler's cylinder. And the theory of relativity.

We can see that gravity affects rather space than material. The idea of the Tipler cylinder or Tipler's time machine is that the outer shell of the cylinder rotates with the speed of light. That thing allows the Tipler's cylinder to stop time in it. But how the Tipler cylinder can make it possible to travel faster than the speed of light? That thing makes it possible to return from the future.

The idea is that the Tipler cylinder would have multiple internal spaces. Each of those spaces or layers rotates at an extremely high speed. And because each layer travels as close to the speed of light as possible the internal points in that craft will travel faster than the speed of light is outside the Tipler cylinder.

Sometimes some researchers say that the centripetal force will destroy that cylinder. If there is a series of very small black holes in the cylinder, that kind of thing can make it possible for energy to flow into the cylinder, and massive gravity keeps the structure in one piece. The rotating structure can be ion flows.

That thing makes it possible to keep centripetal forces under control. The thing is, if space travelers want to travel to stars they don't expect nobody to wait for them. Those creatures can just make a Tipler cylinder that dilates time in it. And then that thing transports crew into the interstellar travel, which takes thousands of years if we look at that thing from outside.

The speed of light is relative.

The speed of light is connected with the environment. The gravity is like a river. When it pulls particles or other objects it moves the space around the particle. If we think that in the black hole, the escape velocity is two times of speed of light, we can ask what the speed of particles in that point. The relative speed of the object and environment is zero. So if we sit on a train that travels with the speed of light crossing that cosmic speed limit is easy.

We must just take a bicycle and or walk forward. If the speed of the train is precisely the speed of light, that movement ahead causes the thing, that we know as Eainstein's paradox. The speed of the mover that moves forward in our futuristic train has a speed of 5 km/h. That speed is relative to the speed of the train. But then the train allows the walker to move faster than the speed of light.

If we really can make that thing, we would face a thing called reverse time dilation. In the speed of light time stops. And if something crosses the speed of light, that thing causes a situation where time starts to travel in the opposite direction.

WARP-drive and reality.

WARP drive could be possible to make. The problem with regular systems is that a quantum field jumps out from a particle or object when it closes to the speed of light. That causes a situation. Where energy travels out from the particle, and the acceleration ends. There are four types of WARP drives. The thing is that if a WARP bubble forms around the object, and there is no internal energy source that thing rips material into the pieces.

1) The Magneto-dynamic WARP.

The antimatter system will accelerate spacecraft to a speed that is as close to the speed of light as possible. Then the magnetic system pulls ions and magnetic fields against the craft. In that case, the impact speed between particles and craft is higher than the speed of light.

2)The WARP bubble.

In this case, the WARP system can make electromagnetic bubbles around it. The system just ignites an antimatter explosion in the spherical chamber. And then that energy pushes other quantum fields out of the craft. The system's purpose is to turn the craft to a higher energy level than its environment. The system pushes energy out of the chamber. And that that thing can make the system able to travel faster than the speed of light.

3) Black hole-based WARP

In the craft is formed the black hole. The idea is that a black hole pulls the quantum fields against its shell. Then that energy makes it possible for the energy to travel always to the craft. The black hole can be in the rocket chamber, where it sends energy pikes to the front and back of the craft. That kind of system can make it possible to transport faster-than-light

4) Kugelblitz (Cosmic Snail) or ball-lightning.

The sci-fi spacecraft Millenium Falcon from Star Wars movies, and Enterprise from Star Trek would use this system. There is a particle accelerator around the craft. And then the antimatter system can accelerate those crafts to a speed that is as close to the speed of light as possible, and then those particle accelerators start to accelerate electrons around the craft.


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