Next step to immortality. The tool for interstellar traveling.

Biotechnology is an awesome tool. And there is one way to make even interstellar space flights. That thing is immortality. Theoretically, immortality is possible and quite easy to make. The system must just change the DNA in the cells. One thing in the aging process is that the environment damages the DNA. And if the system can change damaged DNA in the cells to new ones, that thing makes immortality possible. Also, the system must change the DNA in aging mitochondria.

A person's DNA code may be stored in the computer's memory. Then the nanomachines will copy that DNA into the synthetic genomes. Then the system must just replace old and damaged DNA using synthetic DNA where those damages are fixed. The system must inject that DNA into cells and mitochondria.

In some visions, advanced civilization with advanced biotechnology can make viruses or some other ways to fix the DNA in their cells. Theoretically is possible to create systems like genetically engineered bacteria and modified immune cells that can replace damaged DNA. And those immune cells' mission is to clean zombie cells from the body. The genetically engineered B-cells can produce and transfer DNA to the entire body.

Nanotechnology and advanced biotechnology along with generative AI can create artificial DNA and then the problem with human-kind species bodies, is that there are so many cells that the system cannot replace DNA in every single cell. And the problem is that only one dead cell can cause death.

The anti-aging vaccine base is in the idea that viruses can transform macrophages into cells that can create and transfer new DNA. The vaccine must be redone in certain periods because also those modified immune cells turn old.

Another version of so-called immortality is the crew that the aging process is normal. The advanced biosystems can clone those people, and then transfer their memories to the ext-generation. That kind of system can be more realistic than the "vampire crew", which has systems that can replace their damaged DNA by using non-damaged genetic material.

We know that we have limits in those things. The problem is that we believe that everybody is like us. As I wrote immortality is a dream, that is not yet possible. But using genetically engineered cells, that react when the cell starts aging is possible to increase the lifespan. When those genetically engineered cells see that a cell turns old, they can inject new and fresh DNA into those cells.

The idea is that the vaccine that transfers viruses that turn cells into DNA transplanters will be injected into the body. That virus turns the macrophages into systems that can transfer DNA into the aging cells. That thing can called the anti-aging vaccine. But the problem is that the system requires lots of viruses. And that thing makes this kind of thing the technology of the far future.


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