Bright GRB and interesting exoplanet.

"Astronomers think a long GRB (gamma-ray burst) arises from a massive, rapidly rotating star when its core runs out of fuel and collapses, forming a black hole in the star’s center. In this artist’s concept, two jets emerge from the dying star and interact with surrounding gas and dust. Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center Conceptual Image Lab" (ScitechDaily, NASA Tracks the Brightest Cosmic Event Ever Recorded – “This Thing’s Crazy!”)

The new gamma-ray burst (GRB) unveils the secrets of the formation of black holes.

NASA captured the brightest gamma-ray burst near a star that collapsed into a black hole. The gamma-ray burst might happen when the star explodes, and then the forming black hole starts to pull those supernova remnants into it. In that model suddenly forming effect causes an effect. Where those particles fall back to the gravity center.

That causes a situation in which some particles impact each other. And there forming an electromagnetic vacuum there more material falls. The black hole will not form immediately. The plasma just starts to rotate around the magnetic axle. And then there happens extremely powerful nuclear fusion. In that moment energy level in that plasma rises very high.

The question of why the supernova can form the GRB (Gamma-Ray Burst) can be answered from the model that during that explosion, there is first a large group of small black holes. This period might last a couple of microseconds. That period is short but the GRB forms in that moment. And after that process. There was one large black hole remaining after the star fell.

The mystery has been how the supernova can form GRB. That thing requires lots of energy. And things like colliding neutron stars and black holes can create GRB. The supermassive black holes are the known static gamma-ray sources. Stellar black holes send X-ray impulses.

Astronomers have discovered a super-Earth, TOI-715 b, in a potentially habitable zone around a red dwarf star 137 light-years away. This planet, which is about one and a half times the size of Earth, could support liquid water if other conditions, such as a suitable atmosphere, are met. (Artist’s concept.) Credit: (ScitechDaily, NASA Discovery Alert: A “Super-Earth” in the Habitable Zone Only 137 Light-Years Away)

And again.

The new super-earth was detected in a habitable zone of 137 ly from Earth. The new object called TOI-715 b orbits a red dwarf. So there is not a very good chance that on that exoplanet will be intelligent lifeforms. The TOI-715 b is the superearth that can theoretically maintain some kind of lifeforms like algae or bacteria. But the problem is that the planet is locked. The TOI-715 b is one of the promising objects there could be some primitive life forms.

But otherwise thinking the TOI-715 and other exoplanets that orbit red dwarf stars can offer a very good place for a civilization that is quite advanced. In those scenarios, civilization would form a planet that orbits a blue star. The base element in this model is that the civilization realizes that their star will destroy their home planet quite soon. So they put all their energy and colonize the red dwarf that is about 0,5-2 light years away from their home planet.

Locked planets offer a good position for solar cells and wind energy. The idea is that advanced civilizations can make that journey using massive and slow arcs that transport their entire population into another solar system. But that is only one of the models that was created for finding intelligent civilizations.


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