Crossing speed of light, the cosmic speed limit.

To reach the Kardashev scale 3 the civilization requires faster-than-light- technology. 

The simplest way to cross the speed of light is to equip the craft with a system that drives particles forward. When the craft reaches a speed that is close to the speed of light the accelerator will shoot those particles ahead. And that turns them into small black holes where the craft can drive. The other version is to equip the craft with the wheel. When it's as close to the speed of light as possible the wheel rotates and that thing can cross the speed of light. 

Stargate can be the system is a thin water membrane in the frame, and then the high-speed craft will be dríven through that thing. 

Theoretically crossing the speed of light can happen quite easily. The craft must only reach a speed that is higher than the speed of light in the water. In that model, the magnetic frame will lock the water layer or single-molecule water membrane in the frame. And then the spacecraft will travel through that stargate with a speed, that is higher than the speed of light in water. 

The speed of light in water is 255 000 000 m/s, and the speed of light in vacuum is 299,792,458 m/s. So it's possible. That some very advanced spacecraft can someday reach that speed. 

The idea is taken from neutrino detectors where neutrinos impact water forming a blue light shockwave. That shockwave called Cherenkov radiation forms when neutrino delivers its kinetic energy. For the same reason, there is a blue shine around nuclear reactors. 

The electromagnetic wormhole. 

The other version of the Stargate can be based on the Hall effect. In that model, the craft travels in a beam that is forming of electrons and a laser ray, that accelerates them. In that version, the energy level in the craft must be the same as the beam. And then crossing magnetic fields pump energy to that craft. And that thing makes it jump across the speed of light.

There is the possibility that somewhere in the future humans can create "faster-than-light travel". There is a plan called WARP or Alcubierre Drive. In that model, the craft accelerates as close to the speed of light as possible. Then the magnetodynamic drive pulls particles against the craft.

The WARP bubble is "easy to make" by detonating antimatter. That antimatter detonation will happen in the chamber and that shockwave pushes quantum fields from around the craft. If an outcoming force forms that WARP bubble it can rip material into pieces because energy starts to travel out from the craft at extremely high speed. 

And that thing can increase the impact speed with particles and electromagnetic fields to a level, that is higher than the speed of light. In that case, those impacts remove the thing called the standing wave problem. When a particle or craft closes to the speed of light it turns smaller. 

In passive Alcubierre drive the craft drives very fast against the solar wind. In that case, the impact speed with craft and environment is higher than the speed of light. In some models, the craft flies against the direction of the plasma whirl. All those systems are based on the idea that the impact speed between objects and particles can be faster than the speed of light. 

And finally, the quantum field jumps out from that object. And this denies acceleration. Because an object's speed can increase only when energy travels into it. In some theories, the particle accelerator at the edge of the craft or system that detonates antimatter in the craft just when it reaches the cosmic speed limit can push the craft over the light wall. Acceleration of the craft happens by using antimatter. 

In some models, the system uses false vacuum or false vacuum decay to make the particle beam travel faster than the speed of light. The plasma ion engine. Where ions and electrons are accelerated by lasers shot into the vacuum. In that case, the vacuum allows those particles to cross the speed of light. 

In some models, the particle beam that shoots forward can cross the speed of light. That means that those particles turn into black holes that pull craft behind them to hyperspace or wormhole called the fourth dimension. 

In the most futuristic models, the engine system will create so high energy and fast particles that they can make quantum entanglement with hypothetical tachyon particles. Then those superpositioned and entangled tachyons pump energy to the craft. That thing's possible only if tachyons exist. 

But if crossing the speed of light is possible another problem is how to slow the craft's speed. In theories when a particle travels faster than the speed of light, that thing causes a situation in which the particle jumps out from the universe. That energy level is called the fourth dimension. If the craft wants to slow down it must make the interaction with particles. That is at the third dimension. Without that interaction, the craft cannot pump energy out from its body. 

The conclusion is that faster-than-speed travel is an extremely difficult thing to make in practice. All those methods are based on the idea that energy will freeze in the craft's body. If the craft travels in an electromagnetic wormhole that denies its turn into the wave movement. The problems start while the craft slows. 

The energy level in the universe decreases all the time. And that increases the difference between energy levels between a craft and its environment. And if the craft will slow that increases the energy flow, and that thing can destroy the craft immediately. 

The hypothetic civilization can move to the fourth dimension. 

So in some models, civilization can create large cylinders that rotate with speed that is faster than the speed of light. The idea is that there are multiple internal layers and ion flow between those layers. 

When internal layers rotate in the same direction the speed of those shells can be relative to the speed of space. And that thing can send those cylinders into the fourth dimension or the energy level that their material cannot interact with 3D material. If that civilization cannot come back they would continue their life in the fourth dimension.


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