Exosolar civilization.

The Kardashev type III civilization is the last level that Kardashev created himself. The civilization controls the energy level of the entire galaxy. And it can travel through the galaxy in some form. The Karsahev type III civilization could travel through space using some kind of faster-than-light technology. 

Or in some models that hypothetical supercivilization is separated from planets. That means the space civilization would be an exosolar civilization that just travels around the galaxy. This kind of civilization lives in fully controlled ecosystems in giant spacecraft. 

In this case, the hypothetical space race lives in a giant space ships there is zero- or a very weak gravitation. The exosolar civilization has giant artificial worlds like O'Neill cylinders. Those cylinders would use an antimatter and fusion system that makes artificial sun in them and the antimatter can also transport those cylinders in interstellar space. 

That civilization is that it comes to the solar systems just to take materials for new cylinders. That civilization could be dangerous because it can have Death star-type systems whose purpose is to smash planets into pieces. And then robots will create new crafts for that civilization when its population grows. 

This type of civilization uses very accurate nanotechnology and genetic engineering to make new members of their society. That civilization could be a hybrid. And that means those hypothetical creatures would be in singularity between each other and the AI. The thing is that this civilization might be only a neural network. 

The fungi-neuron structure. That can think. And the cloned bodies. This highly advanced civilization could use those bodies only in cases. Where it needs some biological components. 

It's possible. that those creatures are half robots, half organic. Living neural network-controlled robots. And the space alien requires a robot suit if it wants to come to some planet. 

The idea of the space race is taken from the model that all stars are someday expanding into red giants and finally, they explode. In that moment the intelligent creatures must finally leave their solar system or the final eruption of the star destroys them. 

In the Kardashev scale, the space race can form in the Kardashev scale II. In that stage, our hypothetical civilization controls its entire solar system. It's possible that the space race forms from worker generations who live in large space stations. In models, this hypothetical civilization will not create space stations that rotate fast enough that they can create real artificial gravity. 

In some models, this kind of space colony would be the solar warden. The zero gravity adapts those creatures' bodies to zero gravity conditions. And that thing could be the beginning of the space race, creatures who live their entire life in space.

There are models that the rotating space station can make strong artificial gravity if magnets are pulling structures in form. The rotation movement can solve problems with gravity. But if some creatures spend their entire life in the space things like microbes cause problems on planets. Also, weather and atmospheric conditions in those stations are fully controlled, and that makes it hard to land on natural planets. 



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