Omega level: limits of civilizations.

Could civilization exist over the end of the universe? Some ideas for this text are from "intelligent universe theories". The omega point means that the civilization will turn so advanced that it cannot develop any new technology. Could civilization exist over the end of the universe? Some ideas for this text are from "intelligent universe theories". The omega point means that the civilization will turn so advanced that it cannot develop any new technology. The omega civilization could be a cloud of superpositioned and entangled particles. That network analyzes data that it gets from radiation. 

Is alien civilization limited to material? In this text, the idea is that civilization could rise to a high level and that it can leave its material existence. That omega civilization would turn into the controlled gravity waves that can deliver data and interact with other gravity waves. 

The omega civilization would be rather a consciousness or mind than some kind of civilization. Reaching the omega level requires that civilization can exist after the universe ends its existence. The Omega civilization can interact with other civilizations by manipulating electromagnetic waves with quantum-entangled black holes. 

The omega civilization would travel through the technology, where they could fix their bodies. And make themselves robot-neuron hybrids. Maybe those creatures would create giant spacecraft there are neuron-fungi hybrids. That neural network would control this ultimate cyborg craft. And that creature could inject those neurons into another species. The brain in the jar controls those giant spacecraft. But this thing is not yet the omega civilization. 

But even the most powerful civilizations would have one limit. That limit is the end of the universe. Of course, those creatures could create things like Tipler cylinders where extremely fast rotating cylinders could make them travel to the past. Or maybe those creatures would just pump energy into themselves and then deny aging. But sooner or later last star in the universe ends its life. In that case, our hypothetical civilization can encode it into the gravitational waves and leave their material existence. 

In the Kardashev scale, there are three steps. But in the new form or extended Kardashev scale there are more steps. Normally, the number of those steps is 3,5 and maybe 6 and 7. The third step, the Kardashev scale civilization can control the energy of the entire galaxy. The level 5 would be the God-like civilization. And then the rest of the civilizations. Like steps 4 to 7 can control galaxy clusters and finally the energy of an entire universe or multiple universes. 

And in the newest model, there is also the Omega civilization, called creators. The idea is that the omega civilization created all technology and energy harvesting methods to the level where they cannot develop them anymore. 

Theoretical omega civilization would be independent of material and even the universe. In that model, the omega civilization comes from the universe that existed before our universe. The civilization age would be the same as many universes. The so-called omega civilization may live in the fourth dimension or maybe that thing is independent from the material. That means the omega civilization can control the entire energy and dimension. The civilization itself could encode itself into gravity waves. 

And that means that a powerful civilization that we cannot understand could be the "intelligence" or "consciousness". That creature would be nano-size black holes that form quantum entanglement, and that thing stretches gravity waves. It's possible that this kind of civilization which is more conscious than creatures can interact with lower-level civilizations. In that model, consciousness can interact with things like radio waves and quantum entanglements. So it could manipulate those other species. But that civilization is one even more hypothetical than some other modeled civilizations.


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