
Showing posts from March, 2024

The system architecture must support artificial intelligence.

"Scientists have collaborated to create the world’s first 3D-printed “brain phantom,” utilizing a special magnetic resonance imaging technique (dMRI) to model brain fibers. This advancement is aimed at improving research into neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and multiple sclerosis by enhancing the accuracy of dMRI analysis software through the use of these detailed brain models." (ScitechDaily, Scientists Develop World’s First 3D-Printed “Brain Phantom”) Researchers can use this structure to model 3D-printed large-scale neural structures that can make artificial superintelligence true, sooner than we expected.  The living neurons that communicate with quantum computers are the model of artificial superintelligence.  The living neurons that communicate with quantum computers are tools we can call artificial superintelligence. The artificial superintelligence can be the 3D-printed living brain that communicates with the quantum computers using neuro-

Elon Musk's "technical telepathy" machine gives a great breakthrough.

"Noland Arbaugh, a 29-year-old paralyzed patient involved in the Neuralink trials, navigates an electronic chess game played on a large screen." (Interesting Engineering, Watch: Musk shares Neuralink’s ‘telepathy’ breakthrough in human trials) The Neuralink brain implant seems working well, and the person who took the microchip in his brain introduces his chess-gaming skills. That means the microchip is working well. Those microchips can used to control almost all types of wireless equipment. The brain-implanted microchips give the paralysis patients more quality of their life.  And maybe they can control things like exoskeletons, so-called "wearable robots", with their EEG signals. Those robots allow those persons to move around the hospitals. Or maybe on the streets. The technology is becoming more advanced, and the path to those systems will be similar with pacemakers. In the past, pacemakers were the last chance for myocardial infarction patients.  Today those s

The next tools for the AI environment are more effective than nobody expects.

AI is becoming a more dominant effect in all works that nobody predicted. The AI itself is a language model. That allows researchers to create new programs very fast. There are no limits to connecting language models with new entities.  And that means there are more and more applications. The reason for the fast-growing number of AI tools is that AI can generate complicated code faster than ever before. So new applications. And especially control applications for physical robots are easier to develop than ever before.  And the control applications are always very complicated to program. The AI can interconnect physical applications with virtual applications. The interactive CAD model which virtual engines and virtual microchips operate like physical machines.  Those virtual twins, or digital twins make test procedures faster than using physical models. So the AI can control complex environments and complex internal entireties. Those entireties can be virtual or physical. Or the AI can

The digital twin can help humans live better and healthier.

Artificial intelligence can analyze large-size data mass very accurately. That thing means that maybe quite soon, every person can have the chance to create a digital twin of themselves. The digital twin is an interacting simulation of things. That means it can interact or communicate with other simulations.  Individuals interact with the environment. Metabolism and the things that we eat can have a big effect on our life span and life quality. But also our environment affects our life. We can affect some things on an individual level, like the society that surrounds us. Or we can look around before we go over the road.  But something like air pollution requires collective orders. If we are members of some criminal gangs, we might have shorter lifespans than people, who live outside criminal activities. The digital twin can used to map threats in human life. Only knowledge of hazards allows people to eliminate them from their lives.  The knowledge of genetics, cell functions, and metab

A new theory suggests that dark matter does not exist.

  "A graphical representation of the expansion of the universe from the Big Bang to the present day, with the inflationary epoch represented as the dramatic expansion seen on the left. This visualization shows only a section of the universe; the empty space outside the diagram should not be taken to represent empty space outside the universe (which does not necessarily exist). (Wikipedia, Expansion of the universe) Powerful redshift makes black holes seem to be in longer distance than they are.  All gravity fields stretch light. So all gravity fields form a redshift around them. Measure of the age of the universe using black holes is not a very accurate method. When light travels from another side of the universe to Earth. That means all objects behind light stretch it. We cannot see all objects at that route, so that thing causes effects to redshift.  The reason for that is the ultra-strong redshift around them. The black holes stretch the universe or universe's power fields

Civilizations at the end of the star. And self-replicating machines.

This system is usually called Von Neumann-probe. But the Von Neumann probe can also be a robot that creates copies of itself. And if that machine operates in factories on Earth, we can call that thing a Von Neumann machine".  Sooner or later the star destroys all planets from its habitable zone. The star uses all its fuel, and it turns into a red giant. In that period planets in their habitable zone will turn into gas. Outer planets may form some short-period lifeforms. But the end of the star in Nova eruption and turn into a white dwarf will freeze its solar system or remnants of that solar system.  The G-2-type stars like our Sun turn into white dwarfs. The intelligent lifeform must move away from the solar system or try to use energy from white dwarf shooting material like cosmic dust on its surface. In this model, an intelligent lifeform moves to the space stations and then stays home.  The thing is that civilization also can move to other solar systems using giant spacecraft.

The Pentagon published its new UFO report and found no evidence of the alien connection.

SR-71 The Pentagon says that they have no evidence of the UFO's extraterrestrial origins. But even if there is no evidence that aliens are behind the UFOs, we must keep our minds open. The alien message to radio telescopes is not a spacecraft from another solar system. And spacecraft from another solar system can be probed. Nobody confesses to holding alien spacecraft, but the world is full of extremely rare aviation vehicles. And that means UFOs are true, but aliens are not. Says Pentagon. So if most of those UFOs are the Pentagon's secretive military projects. There are still many interesting things.  That means the famous Roswell Alien, which has the main role in the footage Alien Autopsy can be the human-looking robot. That explains rubber and other things in that character. So the film is real, but the object of the autopsy is a robot, not an alien. You can search this film from the net using keywords: "alien autopsy".  Maybe most of the UFOs are Pentagon's h

Researchers created fully functioning mini brains using bioprinters.

  "Currently, the global annual cost of treating brain diseases amounts to €3 trillion. (Image: Mostphotos)" (University of Helsinki, Development of human-derived mini-brain close to completion - A new technical solution promotes the treatment of brain diseases) When we think that AI cannot reach the same intelligence level as humans, we talk about binary-computer system-based AI. That AI is a very passive thing. But biological microchips where living neurons communicate with microprocessors are different things. Those systems are in mini-brains. Or cloned neurons that developed for medical testing. Those mini brains involve living neurons that interact similarly, to neurons in the human body.  "Scientists at the University of Wisconsin–Madison (UWM) say they have created the first 3D-printed brain organoids that function like natural brain tissue." (FreeThink, Scientists create the first “functional” 3D-printed mini brains) “The neurons communicate, send signals, i

How long can life exist in the universe?

That's a good question. When we think about life, we must realize that the autonomous factories that use robots to collect raw materials can also be things that can fill the description of life. In that case, life is the living or non-living creature that can multiply and defend itself. Robot factories can operate quite independently, and their intelligence level is not probably higher than some cells or bacteria.  In that case, those independently operating factories can be remnants of past civilizations. But the thing is that the robots that have genetically cloned living brains can be as intelligent as humans or even more intelligent than we are. In those cases large number of living brains control the spacecraft that involve Von Neumann technology. And they can make copies of themselves.  So are those systems living or dead? Those brains need nutrients anyway. And that means those systems can be an ultimate hybridization. Between machines and living creatures. That kind of andr