A new theory suggests that dark matter does not exist.


"A graphical representation of the expansion of the universe from the Big Bang to the present day, with the inflationary epoch represented as the dramatic expansion seen on the left. This visualization shows only a section of the universe; the empty space outside the diagram should not be taken to represent empty space outside the universe (which does not necessarily exist). (Wikipedia, Expansion of the universe)

Powerful redshift makes black holes seem to be in longer distance than they are. 

All gravity fields stretch light. So all gravity fields form a redshift around them. Measure of the age of the universe using black holes is not a very accurate method. When light travels from another side of the universe to Earth. That means all objects behind light stretch it. We cannot see all objects at that route, so that thing causes effects to redshift. 

The reason for that is the ultra-strong redshift around them. The black holes stretch the universe or universe's power fields like a hypothetical Higgs field. This thing means that. The black hole stretches light and forms an extremely strong redshift around it. 

The gravity around black holes is very strong. That means the closer the more gravity streches light. So a redshift is stronger, when the observer is closer to black holes. And if the observer stands near the black hole's event horizon, the black hole seems to be very far away. 

That means. All black holes seem to be in longer distances than they are. The black hole's ability to stretch time-space makes them look smaller than they are because all black holes are like on the bottom of the pothole. The black hole pulls material inside it from a longer distance than the material disk tells. The new theory suggests that dark matter does not exist. The same theory suggests that the age of the universe is 27 billion years. 

That means. Dark matter or the mysterious gravitational effect can form in virtual particles. The virtual particle can be the ultra-fast electron or some other particle. And when it travels in Higgs field it forms the channel behind it. In this model, the Higgs field starts to fill those channels. And then that thing forms waves in Higgs field. 

So are gravitational waves and wave movement in the Higgs field. That thing explains the mystery of gravitational waves and gravitation. The gravitation would be the effect that rolls the Higgs field around the superstring. And that superstring turns the Higgs field direction. That means that gravity affects the Higgs field. 

When the superstring rolls that field around it and conducts it away from the gravity epicenter, that thing forms a situation where the Higgs field travels into that point. And it means that Higgs field acts like a river that pulls matter with it. 

In some other hypotheses, some particles have higher energy levels than researchers measured. The idea is that the neutrinos would be only electrons with hyper-high energy levels, or hyper-high spin. That means the neutrino's energy level is so high, that it hovers in the Higgs field. In that model, the neutrino would be like a ball in a soap bubble. And that explains its ability to travel through the Earth. 

Particles may be forming superstrings there are bubbles. Those bubbles can be extremely small particles or waves in those strings that make the elementary particle look like a string. In that model, the origin of the dark energy could be in the quantum-size roughness of those electrons. 

"The James Webb Space Telescope identified small red dots in the night sky, revealing new insights into the formation of supermassive black holes, challenging existing astronomical theories about their rapid growth in the universe’s early days. (Artist’s concept.) Credit: SciTechDaily.com" (ScitechDaily, Infant Giants: Webb Unveils the Growth of Supermassive Black Holes)

 A new theory suggests that dark matter does not exist.

The idea is that dark matter does not exist in the form of matter. That means the mystery of gravitational effect can explained by a wobbling Higgs field or some kind of bubble in the Higgs field. In the last model, the dark matter is virtual material in the Higgs field. Dark matter would be a point in the Higgs field. 

Where there are lower energy bubbles. Those bubbles are forming an effect that seems like material. The superstrings would be the string-like structures that rotate in the Higgs Field. 

And those bubbles make that theoretical base power field look like cheese. In that model there are lower energy areas in that field, those lower energy bubbles act like material. And those lower energy bubbles make the Higgs field fall in them. This makes those bubbles act like material. And those bubbles form a virtual gravitational effect. 

When Higgs field falls in those bubbles, it can travel through it. On the other side, that thing interacts with the Higgs field on that side. When that Higgs field travels through those bubbles it takes energy from its environment. Then that projection hits another side of the bubble forming an energy impulse that travels in the Higgs field. 

"Estimated division of total energy in the universe into matter, dark matter and dark energy based on five years of WMAP data." (Wikipedia, Dark Energy)

This thing can form dark energy. In some models dark energy forms when the Higgs field wobbles back and forth. When the theoretical Higgs field interacts with an atom it harvests energy from the atom's quantum fields. When the Higgs field wobbles there is a small vacuum on the opposite side of subatomic particles. That shadow pulls energy out from those particles. In that case, the superstring that forms the particle hits the quantum field it transmits energy to that field. 

As well as impacting energy waves can also explain dark energy. In that model, dark energy forms when the expanding universe decreases its energy density. That causes energy to flow out from the material. When two particles of the same size send wave movement, that impact forms a standing wave that collects energy until it can travel in some direction. 

And in that case, all particles send wave movement. So if that energy comes from gluons. That means radiation. That comes from quarks, and leptons can cover that dark energy under it. And if gluons send radiation when they jump between quarks. That radiation can rip atoms and other subatomic particles into pieces. 

The reason for that effect would be that the gravitational effect just pulls the Higgs field into the gravitational center. In some models, the dark matter would be whirled in the Higgs field. When those whirls are moving, they form the maser effect in that whirl.








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