The Pentagon published its new UFO report and found no evidence of the alien connection.


The Pentagon says that they have no evidence of the UFO's extraterrestrial origins. But even if there is no evidence that aliens are behind the UFOs, we must keep our minds open. The alien message to radio telescopes is not a spacecraft from another solar system. And spacecraft from another solar system can be probed. Nobody confesses to holding alien spacecraft, but the world is full of extremely rare aviation vehicles. And that means UFOs are true, but aliens are not. Says Pentagon. So if most of those UFOs are the Pentagon's secretive military projects. There are still many interesting things. 

That means the famous Roswell Alien, which has the main role in the footage Alien Autopsy can be the human-looking robot. That explains rubber and other things in that character. So the film is real, but the object of the autopsy is a robot, not an alien. You can search this film from the net using keywords: "alien autopsy". 

Maybe most of the UFOs are Pentagon's highly secretive research units. Things like "Jelllyfish-UFO" that flies over this text may be some kind of recovery vehicle, that uses those manipulators for picking the material from the ground and returning secretive recon and special operations helicopters and aircraft so that their materials do not fall in the hands of enemies. 

Remote-loaded electric- or plasma-jet engines can explain many things like small-size aircraft or "saucers" with an extremely small size and long flight times. The remote loading systems can load electricity to the plasma engines. And the pyramid-shaped UFOs can be aircraft with double-delta wings. So the word pyramid is misunderstood. There are aircraft, with similar wings, that are used in F-102 Delta Dagger aircraft. 

Those V/STOL (Vertical/ Short Take-Off and Landing) aircraft could hover above areas. And maybe they are the mysterious "Black Triangle" aircraft. If there is a nuclear reactor in the craft, the mysterious ray that comes below it can be the thermal pump. That purpose is to keep the reactor's temperature low.

The plasma-jet engines or their exhaust gas can give radar echo. That is like an extremely large aircraft. The plasma can make very long- radar reflecting lines in the skies. 

The saucer shape is the ultimate stealth form. And some flying saucers could be the heat shields. That covers quadcopters when they are dropped from satellites. Another version of those saucers can be the mirrors whose mission is to reflect laser rays that they can use to destroy targets behind barriers. That explains the strange colors that people see in them. Those strange colors can be the plasma-stealth systems whose mission is to keep the aircraft invisible to radars. 

It's possible. Leonardo da Vinci's tank can be used as a model for fundamental aviation. 

There could be a quadcopter in its bottom. And the radial jet engines at the sides. Things like acoustic wormholes. Or, otherways saying: low-pressure channels made by acoustic systems. And artificial tornadoes can raise objects from the ground. And if some system makes a tornado above its structure, that artificial tornado can raise the object itself from the ground. If the acoustic wormhole or acoustic low-pressure channels are at the front of the aircraft, those things can pull the aircraft forward. 

The famous Roswell alien may be a robot. There is a film, called "Alien Autopsy". There is a theory that the film introduces a robot. And that explains many things.  If that robot or "Automaton" is real, that explains secrecy and things like foam rubber in that structure. That kind of, maybe, remote-controlled robots can be national secrets. The film is true, but the object is a man-made robot, not an alien. 

Some UFOs might be holograms, created to make people look in other directions when some secretive things like stealth aircraft are operating in the area. The thing is that many reports that AARO ( All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office) got are the second or third part's tales about things that happened to somebody else. And many of those reports are created because people don't recognize aircraft.


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