Can alien megastructures uncover intelligent civilizations?

Image: Science Alert, Mysterious Objects in Space Could Be Giant Dyson Spheres, Scientists Say

If a civilization can use all the energy that their star sends. That makes civilization invisible to humans. But how can the civilization make that thing? In some visions, the civilization can close their star in the closed ball, called the Dyson sphere. If the sphere is closed. That makes the civilization invisible to outsiders. 

The reason and motivation for building giant megastructures can be overpopulation. But those structures can also used to control things like energy production. The giant Dyson spheres can press plasma into artificial stars. And they can press stars and planets into the artificial black holes. 

The civilization can close things like red dwarfs in the sphere and can control their energy production using laser or microwave systems. The sphere stores energy that the star produces and then sends it back in the form of microwaves or laser beams. That helps to control the star's brightness. 

Theoretically, giant Dyson spheres can cover entire stars and entire solar systems. Those giant structures can help alien civilizations use all the energy that their star can create. Giant Dyson spheres can also be used to control the star of the hypothetical alien civilization. 

In some models, the giant ring orbits the Dyson spheres. That ring can used as the giant space sling that throws the craft to space. 

There could be three types of Dysion spheres. 

1) Fully closed ball that can close 100% of the star's radiation inside it. 

2) The whisk-looking structure. In some models, those belts or rods can turned into ring-shaped structures. That means this kind of Dyson sphere can adjust its shape. 

3) The large satellite group. Those satellites can adjust the central star's brightness by shooting it with lasers or microwaves. 

The Dyson spheres can also used to create artificial stars or press stars and planets into black holes. But the fact is that Dyson spheres are hypothetical structures. 

If that sphere does not send any radiation through it. It is invisible to outsiders. 

But have we detected some kind of Dyson spheres? The thing is that there is a structure in the universe. That we can call the "dark matter star". The dark dark matter star is an invisible structure in the universe. That structure is too light to be a black hole. That structure can be the dark matter gob. But it could also be the large Dyson sphere that can close some stars inside it. 

Another thing that can prove a Dyson sphere is the smallest stars in the universe. Some think that those stars that are smaller than Jupiter could be artificial. 

There is no straight evidence of those hypothetical alien megastructures. But it's good to see that also starting to talk about those things freely. The Dyson spheres are things that can uncover some alien civilizations.


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