It's a matter of time until we find alien life, scientists say. But we don't know when that happens.

"Europa, one of Jupiter's icy moons is the most likely place in our solar system to be home to alien life" (BBC,Alien life in Universe: Scientists say finding it is 'only a matter of time')

Scientists can say that, it's a matter of time until we find alien life. But we cannot determine that time. We can find an alien life tomorrow, or we can find it after 1000 years. Confirming the existence of life forms requires that we can take laboratories to those, maybe very distant worlds. And that takes a very long time. 

Confirming the most primitive life forms is difficult, especially if those very primitive procaryotes live in a cold environment, which means their metabolism is very slow and very slow doesn't make lots of metabolism products. Metabolism productions are the only thing that can prove those primitive organisms' existence. Cosmic organisms can use volcanic temperature as an energy source. 

That time can be tomorrow, or it can be after 1000 years. 

Then we can ask, can we call things like self-replicating molecules as lifeforms? Nanotechnology has brought self-replicating molecules to the front of the researcher's eyes. 

What makes confirming extraterrestrial life forms difficult is this. We don't know what they look like. In some models. There could be DNA or RNA bites in some, otherwise, very hot planet clouds. Those self-replicating molecules that hover in the droplets of clouds might not have metabolism. But could we say that those hypothetical self-replicating molecules are organisms? 

"Energy consumption in three types of civilization as defined by Sagan's extended Kardashev scale" (Wikipedia, Kardashev scale)

But then we can say that super civilizations are hard to detect. When we think about Kardashev scale 2 civilizations that can harness their entire star's energy, those civilizations, and more advanced civilizations are hard to detect. 

SETI-program uses radio telescopes to see alien data transmissions. And things like mass-spectroscopy to detect pollution. However, the alien civilization may use power sources like power satellites and travel using solar sails. The power satellite can use well-aimed energy transmission. 

And the lasers that are used as engine systems for solar sail don't cause pollution. If rockets use lasers or microwaves to expand the propellant, that thing doesn't pollute. And if rockets use hydrogen and oxygen as propellant. That thing makes them clean. The water injection in the engine combustion chamber increases its thrust. 

We can say that all Kardashev-scale civilizations are super civilizations to us because we have not yet reached the Kardashev scale. That means colonizing the entire solar system is sci-fi to us. Those civilizations can communicate using quantum technology. And if they can deny the energy loss, that makes them hard to detect.

Superconducting or photonic cables that are well-protected against outside radiation effects are invisible to the outsider radio receivers. Also, if a communication system uses quantum teleportation the outsider cannot see the communication especially if the data travels in nanotubes. 

In those scenarios, the hypothetical civilizations can use green energy. And their energy use and energy effectiveness are at least near 100%. If the transmitting antenna can give 100 % of its power to the receiver. 

Outsiders cannot see that data transmission because the thing that makes outsiders see it is the energy that travels past the receiver. So, the thing that makes data transmission visible to outsiders is power loss. And without that power loss, we cannot see that transmission.


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