The Stargate.

There are two models of Stargate. The first one is based on the artificial black holes. And the second one is the potential wall that raises the high-speed object's energy level so high, that it loses its ability to exchange information with other particles. Maybe someday we can create that device. 

The physical model of Stargate is the frame that creates the black hole. That oscillates with the same frequency as some other black hole or wormhole. And then that black hole pulls particles and other things through it to the other side of the wormhole. The system just causes the Kugelblitz black hole to oscillate with the same frequency as some wormholes. Then that synthetic black hole will transport the traveler to the wormhole. 

Some researchers believe that humans can survive from that trip is that black holes press the space around the traveler. And that helps to keep their structure in order. The black hole presses the space and energy and that causes the effect that the time slows in particles. And in the wormhole, the time is locked in particles. But that Stargate requires the existence of wormholes. 

""Embedding diagram" of a Schwarzschild wormhole" (Wikpedia/Wormhole). The theoretical stargate forms the black hole in the frame. Then the system puts it oscillates at the same frequency as some theoretical wormhole. 

In theories, the "cosmic neural structure" is formed around the Einstein-Rose bridges, "wormholes",  energy channels that travel through the universe. 

The wormholes or Einstein-Rose bridges are hypothetical energy channels through space and time. There are electromagnetic wormholes, but gravity wormholes are hypothetical gravity wave tornadoes or tunnels that travel through space. The energy doesn't get out from that gravitational tornado. And that locks time in the particle. 

Time is energy, and in that model, the black hole presses the particle in a smaller size. The reason why the particle or object that travels in a wormhole will not explode is this. The wormholes don't let the energy come out from the gravity tunnel. That thing makes it possible to travel across the universe without aging. 

The other stargate is the framed potential wall. 

Another way to think about the Stargate is that the time and speed are energy levels. The second, more realistic model of the stargate forms the potential wall in the frame. When an object travels to that energy, or potential wall the potential wall pumps energy into the particle. So we can think about a situation where a particle travels to that potential wall at a very high speed. 

Jumping into the fourth dimension means that the particle loses the ability to exchange information with three-dimensional particles because its energy level rises too high. 

Then the potential wall inputs energy to that particle, and if the speed and energy level are high enough, the particle should tunnel itself through space and time, which we can call dimension. The dimension is energy level. And if a particle's or object's energy level rises too high, that particle loses its ability to interact with other particles in the third dimension. The speed and potential wall could raise the particle's energy level so high that it can jump to the fourth dimension.


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