Droplets and DNA. The new revolution in vaccines.

In the future, medicine will reprogram the immune system. That reprogramming means that the medicines activate a person's immune system. Genetic transfer makes it possible to remove and cure hereditary diseases from the human population. The DNA and mRNA transfer can also preempt things like alcoholism, sociopathy, and many other things that genetic disorder causes. 

In some models, the alien lifeforms can be the DNA bites. That exists in the water droplets. In that model, Venus and some other planets' cloud layers can involve those DNA or mRNA bites. The DNA can control the growth of the ice and crystal structures. And that thing makes it possible to make the self-forming structures. This is one of the reasons why researchers are so interested in alien DNA models. 

The DNA can control the form of the diatomic cells. Those tiny algae cells with a silicon shell can make it possible to grow parts of nanomachines. And the DNA can control the form of those things. That makes it possible to create lots of complicated nano-parts in a short moment. Things like star-shaped nanomachines can destroy bacteria and other cells. The nanomachine slips into the cells, and then they start to rotate. 

That thing destroys the cell. Or the acoustic systems can control plate-shaped nanomachines or "nano-coin". That thing can create supercavitation bubbles in veins. Or soft nanomachine that oscillates very fast and can create those bubbles. That closes blood flow into the tumors or blood leaks.   

Researchers noticed that water droplets can make poisonous chemicals travel in the body. So, water droplets can make DNA travel inside the body. 

When water droplets hit the human that impact can push chemicals, microplastics, and DNA into the sweat gland. And the osmose is the other thing that can transport those non-wanted things into the human body. 

When almost chemically clean water hits the skin, it falls into the sweat gland's channel. There is a stronger salt mixture. Water transports many microbic things like DNA and viruses into the human body. In some other models, the vaccines. And especially, mRNA vaccines can be put in water droplets. And then, the system shoots those water droplets into the human body. 

That technology allows systems to transport a large number of mRNA bites into the human body. This system can reprogram a large number of cells, which is important in cases like homothermic and other kinds of things. 

When vaccines are closed in droplets, the system can deliver them into the air or even into drinking water. That thing is important in cases like some epidemic starts to spread in the population. DNA modification can also make people allergic to things like opiates. Or it can remove the neuron's ability to receive heroin. 

Vaccines can also make people resistant to nerve gasses or at least neurotoxins. That affects the same way as the most powerful neurotoxin,  botulinum. The neuron just be programmed to close the ion channel at the front of the nerve agent. In nature, many animals are immune against nerve poisons like botuline. 

Reptilians like cobras and sea snakes use botuline themselves in hunting. Mammals like mongooses have resistance against that poison. Their immune system can neutralize botuline. If that genome is transferred to humans, that makes them resistant against the most poisonous neurotoxin in the world. 



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