Life is not always intelligent.

 Life is not always intelligent. 

"Geoscientists propose that the lack of certain geological features on exoplanets, such as oceans and continents along with sustained plate tectonics, could be why advanced extraterrestrial civilizations are so rare, revising the expectations of the Drake equation." (ScitechDaily, Geoscientists Unlock the Mystery: Why We Haven’t Met Aliens Yet")

When we think about Drake's equation and the Fermi paradox, we must realize that life can be a quite common thing in the universe. But intelligent life can be rarer than we expect.  That means that most of the lifeforms are primitive, bacteria-type aliens. And only a small part of those aliens can turn intelligent. 

Intelligence requires that evolution turns to favor complicated neural structures. And that means this. Without catastrophes, the alien lifeform cannot turn intelligent. So if the conditions of the alien planet are too good, the intelligence cannot start to advance. 


Drake equation. 

"Research by University of Texas at Dallas geoscientist Dr. Robert Stern and a colleague suggests a geological explanation for why conclusive evidence for advanced extraterrestrial (ET) civilizations has not been found, even though the Drake equation, shown here, predicts that there should be many such civilizations in our galaxy capable of communicating with us. Credit: University of Texas at Dallas" (ScitechDaily, Geoscientists Unlock the Mystery: Why We Haven’t Met Aliens Yet). 

The ability to communicate with us is not enough. The aliens require willingness and ability to communicate with other civilizations. 

N = R* x fp x ne x fl x fi x fc x L

N: The number of civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy whose electromagnetic emissions (radio waves, etc.) are detectable.

R*: The number of stars formed annually.

fp: The fraction of those stars with planetary systems.

ne: The number of planets per solar system with an environment suitable for life.

fl: The fraction of suitable planets on which life actually appears.

fi: The fraction of life-bearing planets on which intelligent life emerges.

fc: The fraction of civilizations that develop a technology that produces detectable signs of their existence.

L: The average length of time (years) such civilizations produce such signs.


The next thing, that we must realize is this: the intelligent alien race doesn't mean that it creates machines. Machines and other things require the need and willingness to create those things.  And when we think about the ancient wisdom and machines from the ancient world, we must ask, what if those machines were not destroyed? What if that soldier didn't kill Archimedes? And what if we did not have a dark medieval time? 

In the so-called Erewhon model, the leaders of the society can deny technology, because that keeps their people in work. That means the thinking model that people who don't know better things will not rebel. What if the Inquisition did not persecute people, who were not pleased with the Catholic Church? 

The moon is lonely in the sky. Sometimes somebody asked, what would our space programs look like if our sky looked like this? The artist's impression of the planet's surface introduces a system, where planets are close to each other, and there is easy to travel between planets. And interstellar flights are not necessarily difficult. 

The open binary star system where a red dwarf orbits the center star over a long distance offers a good target for space flight. In open binary stars, the other component can be so far that both stars have their independent planetary system.

The civilization must accept R&D work. That makes them able to create new machines, that they require for making rockets and aircraft. This is one thing that we should think, about when we are searching for aliens. Searching for aliens doesn't mean that we will make contact with them. 

Civilization requires a willingness to conquer the universe. It requires motivation to create technology, that allows it to make crafts that can fly to another planet. The problem with humans is that we don't have a place where we can easily travel. There is only one planet-type object, the moon there we can travel quite easily. 

We need a telescope to see that Venus and Mars are planets. There are always people who say that space research is a waste of money. Those people think that the money that NASA and ESA put into space research can be used wisely like making new heath centers. 

The problem is that those people forget that those space research programs offer the platform to test new types of AI-based systems, in control, material, and engine research. 


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