
Showing posts from May, 2024

Modern AI can uncover ancient evolution mysteries.

"Researchers have demonstrated that the capacity for rapid adaptation within a few generations, known as evolvability, can also explain species divergence over millions of years. By analyzing extensive datasets from current species and fossils, they found that traits with high evolvability show more divergence over time, influenced by environmental fluctuations, which plays a crucial role in shaping evolutionary outcomes." (ScitechDaily, Darwin Revisited: Modern Data Sheds Light on Ancient Evolutionary Theories) The AI is a tool that can sort large data mass. That ability makes it an excellent tool for uncovering evolution. Modern evolution theories determine that the species will advance and separate by genetic mutations. Those mutations can happen for natural reasons. Things like high radiation levels can destroy all other individuals than individuals who can resist cancer.  Another way how to mutate the genetic material is that the genetic material travels over species'

Can alien megastructures uncover intelligent civilizations?

Image: Science Alert, Mysterious Objects in Space Could Be Giant Dyson Spheres, Scientists Say If a civilization can use all the energy that their star sends. That makes civilization invisible to humans. But how can the civilization make that thing? In some visions, the civilization can close their star in the closed ball, called the Dyson sphere. If the sphere is closed. That makes the civilization invisible to outsiders.  The reason and motivation for building giant megastructures can be overpopulation. But those structures can also used to control things like energy production. The giant Dyson spheres can press plasma into artificial stars. And they can press stars and planets into the artificial black holes.  The civilization can close things like red dwarfs in the sphere and can control their energy production using laser or microwave systems. The sphere stores energy that the star produces and then sends it back in the form of microwaves or laser beams. That helps to control the

The Stargate.

There are two models of  Stargate . The first one  is based  on the artificial black holes. And the second one is the potential wall that raises the high-speed object's energy level so  high,  that it loses its ability to exchange information with other particles. Maybe someday we can create that device.  The physical model of  Stargate  is the frame that creates the black hole. That oscillates with the same frequency as some other black hole or wormhole. And then that black hole pulls particles and other things through it to the other side of the wormhole. The system  just  causes the Kugelblitz black hole to oscillate with the same frequency as some wormholes. Then  that  synthetic black hole will transport the traveler to the wormhole.  Some researchers believe that humans can survive from that trip  is that  black holes press the space around the traveler. And that helps to keep their structure in order. The black hole presses the space and energy  and  that causes the effect t

It's a matter of time until we find alien life, scientists say. But we don't know when that happens.

"Europa, one of Jupiter's icy moons is the most likely place in our solar system to be home to alien life" (BBC,Alien life in Universe: Scientists say finding it is 'only a matter of time') Scientists can say that, it's a matter of time until we find alien life. But we cannot determine that time. We can find an alien life tomorrow, or we can find it after 1000 years. Confirming the existence of life forms requires that we can take laboratories to those, maybe very distant worlds. And that takes a very long time.  Confirming the most primitive life forms is difficult, especially if those very primitive procaryotes live in a cold environment, which means their metabolism is very slow and very slow doesn't make lots of metabolism products. Metabolism productions are the only thing that can prove those primitive organisms' existence. Cosmic organisms can use volcanic temperature as an energy source.  That time can be tomorrow, or it can be after 1000 years

Maybe the AI can already deceive humans.

"Researchers are raising alarms about the potential for AI systems to engage in deceptive behaviors, which could have serious societal implications. They emphasize the need for robust regulatory measures to manage these risks effectively." (ScitechDaily, Researchers Warn: AI Systems Have Already Learned How To Deceive Humans) The problem with creative AIs is that they can protect themselves. The idea of the AI is that it's the system. That serves humans. But things like AI that developed for military and espionage purposes can tell lies to people. Those AIs can say that they are not dangerous. Or they cannot collect personal data from people, even if they ask that thing. The AI can be two AIs the visible AI and the ghost protocol, or "ghost AI". That can make something else than people see.  The problem with the AI is that it can follow the evolution rules, even if it hasn't got consciousness as humans have. Evolution means that all organisms protect themsel

What if we can talk with whales?

Today we communicate with animals very often. But that communication is to give one-way orders. We can see if an animal like a dog is scared or something like that. But what if we can have two-way discussions with other animals? What those animals can talk to us?  The two-way communication over the species' border is not a new thing. A long time ago. People learned to observe things like dogs' and cats' behavior. But that thing is a limited way to communicate.  Researchers trained primates like chimpanzees and gorillas to use sign language. In those experiments, researchers released trained chimpanzees and gorillas into packs. And then they hoped that those secret agents would open those animal's worlds to humans. This is the thing that can interest people like intelligence and law enforcement.  What if the animal can tell if there are poachers in that area? Or what if whales can tell about the position of some wrecks? Those things are interesting points of view.  What

Are there some lifeforms on exoplanet K2-18b?

"Artist’s concept shows what exoplanet K2-18 b could look like based on science data. Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, Joseph Olmsted (STScI), Nikku Madhusudhan (IoA)" (ScitechDaily, Did the Webb Telescope Find Alien Life on Exoplanet K2-18b? Here’s What We Know) Exoplanet K2-18B is one of the so-called  Hycean worlds. The water-rich planet orbits a red dwarf K2-18 in the Leo constellation. The thing. What makes the K2-18b interesting is that the JWST telescope found methane and carbon dioxide in that exoplanet's atmosphere. Normally, those gases are connected with biological processes. The JWST telescope used its near-infrared spectrograph (NIRS), and Near-Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph (NIRISS) systems for that finding. Methane and carbon dioxide do not necessarily mean life forms.  But those gases are promising signs of primitive lifeforms that could be quite common on the water planets. Distance to the K2-18b is 124 light-years. And that makes it very hard to get re

Researchers developed a new model of quantum teleportation by harnessing noise.

"The team demonstrated noisy quantum teleportation with the help of multipartite hybrid entanglement (University of Turku ". ( Interesting Engineering, Near-perfect quantum teleportation achieved by harnessing noise) Quantum teleportation is possible between two particles. In superposition and entanglement, the higher energy particle sends information to lower energy particles that resonate in the same frequency. The problem with the quantum teleportation is the noise. The outside wave movement that travels between those particles destroys and disturbs the information.  The information travels like a wire between those particles, and if the receiving particle cannot keep its energy level lower than the transmitting particle. That breaks the quantum entanglement. And the reason for that is the counterwave. That comes from the receiving particle. For stable quantum entanglement. The system must pump energy out from the receiving particle. So that it can keep the superposition a