
Showing posts from July, 2024

Astronomers found the rare second-generation star in the Large Magellanic Cloud.

"The first generation of stars fundamentally changed the universe by fusing simple elements like hydrogen and helium into more complex ones within their cores, scattering these elements across space upon their death—elements that are now part of the Earth and living beings. Recently, scientists discovered a second-generation star from another galaxy, offering unique insights into the early elemental formation processes in galaxies beyond the Milky Way." (Wikipedia, Cosmic Oddity: Rare Second-Gen Star Found Beyond the Milky Way) The old star is the thing that opens our knowledge of stellar formation. This scarce star formed from the first generation star's remnants. The particles that formed this second-generation star are from the first stars in the universe. That thing makes this distant star very interesting.  And it can broaden our knowledge about star formation. The old star in the Large Magellanic Cloud can also mean that there are other old stars in that galaxy. The

The omega-civilization. (Kardashev-scale 8)

This is writing about the most advanced and hypothetical versions of the Kardashev scale civilizations. The civilization would be so advanced that it's hard to imagine. But those kinds of things are good thinking experiments. If you don't know what is the Kardashev scale, you can check it from the link below this text.  When we think about the Kardashev scale and the hypothetical civilizations sometimes people ask, what is the final level? What is the last step that civilization can reach? What kind of civilization and alien would be the omega-alien? A creature that cannot develop anything, because it created all technology, that is possible.  The civilization that reaches the final step in advance is the Kardashev scale 8. The creature might use nanotechnical antimatter mitochondria to create so-high energy levels, that they can manipulate space, dimensions, and time. This thing means that the creature would be like some kind of Superman.  The Kardashev scale eight civilizatio

Can the first alien, that we meet the self-replicating machine, that we created ourselves?

The self-replicating Von Neumann probe can look like this. The system pulls material into the craft. The manufacturing system melts the material and then separates elements using centrifugal systems. Then it can drive those materials into the 3D printers. The system can create auxiliary robots that act like spaceborne quadcopters. That means that the system can create a copy of itself.  AI can seem very wise. But the thing that is behind AI is just mathematics and the mathematical model. That can calculate the matches in texts with orders that the user gave to it. There is a model, where robot sensors see problems, and then the robot asks the AI for assistance to those problems.  In that model, the robot says data to the language model, and then says "I have a problem solve it". When a robot sees mountains, it can ask the AI which can be the neural network how it can go over that mountain. Then the AI creates an answer. Maybe it orders 3D printers to create quadcopters. That

Big silence: we are alone until the alien answers.

Intelligent lifeforms do not always develop interstellar technology.  Fermi's paradox: all lifeforms are not intelligent. Intelligent lifeforms do not always develop interstellar technology. And we are alone until the alien answers.  Drake's equation and Fermi's paradox are interesting questions. And at this point, I must say that everything. That is written about aliens is purely hypothetical. Somebody says there are 20,000 intelligent lifeforms in our galaxy. And that is far too much. The new suggestion is that there are four alien civilizations per 10,000 galaxies. That means the intelligent life would be rarer than we even imagine. And we are alone until aliens contact us.  All lifeforms are not intelligent.  And all intelligent lifeforms are not forming civilizations.  And all intelligent civilizations are not developing interstellar technology.  The birth of life is a complicated thing. The birth of intelligent life is more complicated. There must be something, that m

The acoustic flying system can explain UFOs' strange behavior.

Image from Pinterest. In this text, I will not try to explain all UFO cases with aliens, or some kind of governmental test planes. The idea is to try to explain the strange noise and some other things that those mysterious objects keep. The thing that can explain that behavior is the acoustic flight system, there is some kind of acoustic membrane or acoustic crystals that create soundwaves that can make the craft hover.  A 2D carbon fishnet called graphene is one of the most interesting materials in the world. Graphene and phonons are the tools, that can create ultimate sound systems. But sometimes those interesting things are connected with an impressive thing called acoustic flying.  In acoustic flying, the oscillating membrane makes the soundwaves, or pressure waves that make things hover. The soundwaves must have high enough pressure, and they can push even sea ships airborne. The power of the soundwave determines how heavy an object that thing can hover.  If the acoustic wave is s

Droplets and DNA. The new revolution in vaccines.

In the future, medicine will reprogram the immune system. That reprogramming means that the medicines activate a person's immune system. Genetic transfer makes it possible to remove and cure hereditary diseases from the human population. The DNA and mRNA transfer can also preempt things like alcoholism, sociopathy, and many other things that genetic disorder causes.  In some models, the alien lifeforms can be the DNA bites. That exists in the water droplets. In that model, Venus and some other planets' cloud layers can involve those DNA or mRNA bites. The DNA can control the growth of the ice and crystal structures. And that thing makes it possible to make the self-forming structures. This is one of the reasons why researchers are so interested in alien DNA models.  The DNA can control the form of the diatomic cells. Those tiny algae cells with a silicon shell can make it possible to grow parts of nanomachines. And the DNA can control the form of those things. That makes it pos

Life is not always intelligent.

 Life is not always intelligent.  "Geoscientists propose that the lack of certain geological features on exoplanets, such as oceans and continents along with sustained plate tectonics, could be why advanced extraterrestrial civilizations are so rare, revising the expectations of the Drake equation." (ScitechDaily, Geoscientists Unlock the Mystery: Why We Haven’t Met Aliens Yet") When we think about Drake's equation and the Fermi paradox, we must realize that life can be a quite common thing in the universe. But intelligent life can be rarer than we expect.  That means that most of the lifeforms are primitive, bacteria-type aliens. And only a small part of those aliens can turn intelligent.  Intelligence requires that evolution turns to favor complicated neural structures. And that means this. Without catastrophes, the alien lifeform cannot turn intelligent. So if the conditions of the alien planet are too good, the intelligence cannot start to advance.  *************

The terraformation.

In some models, future overpopulation is handled by terraforming Mars and Venus. The problem with Mars's terraformation is its thin atmosphere. There must be enough gas that colonists can breathe it. The atmosphere must be thick enough that it can protect astronauts. Another thing is that the low gravity causes the atmosphere to escape to space.  So Venus is a more suitable object for terraformation.  But the main problem is that the day on Venus is very long. The day on Venus is longer than a year. That is one of the reasons why Venus is turning into hot hell. So that's why. There must be some kind of solar shield that protects Venus from sunlight. Or terraformation will not work.  Terraformation means that the microbes will be used to transform Venus' atmosphere similar to Earth. There is the possibility that in the future, engineers can also create filter platforms whose purpose is to separate the carbon from oxygen in that hostile atmosphere. Those systems also deliver