
Showing posts from February, 2024

The AI will not replace air traffic controllers yet.

AI can make many things, but that thing is that tool is just a tool. The AI will not replace air traffic controllers yet, but there is a possibility. That it can make it somewhere in the future. When AI makes mistakes like producing images of black nazi soldiers, we can see that also AI makes mistakes. Or actually, humans make mistakes. When we try to calculate the point where we are in seven steps on AI, we are just in level three. And the problem is that the AI learns things differently than humans.  The AI has no imagination. It cannot act in situations where it is not programmed. The learning AI uses descriptions as keyholes. And data that comes from the sensor is the key that activates action. The problem is how the AI selects data that it stores in a database. In this case, the human or operator/programmer selects the data. That is stored in databases. The AI can record information that it makes during its mission. Then operator selects the film periods that it stores. And after

WARP and protective fields.

The idea of the WARP drive is that the wave pushes the craft forward. And at the same time, the craft will create an energy Walley or energy pothole in front of it. The laser beam that transports or guides energy in the right direction can help to make that pothole. The other version is that there is a forward-pointed laser beam. That beam would push particles away from its route, and that system increases the distances of particles, and that thing forms the false vacuum or quantum low pressure that makes the energy pothole, that is necessary for WARP.  The image above is the artist's impression of the WARP craft. The WARP system contains the magnetic accelerators around the craft. Then the system can also use those rings for the annihilation system. The annihilation reaction that happens in those wheels will give an extremely high energy impulse against the craft's shell. That thing makes it possible to create small wormholes for the spacecraft. The system requires the quantum

Exosolar civilization.

The Kardashev type III civilization is the last level that Kardashev created himself. The civilization controls the energy level of the entire galaxy. And it can travel through the galaxy in some form. The Karsahev type III civilization could travel through space using some kind of faster-than-light technology.  Or in some models that hypothetical supercivilization is separated from planets. That means the space civilization would be an exosolar civilization that just travels around the galaxy. This kind of civilization lives in fully controlled ecosystems in giant spacecraft.  In this case, the hypothetical space race lives in a giant space ships there is zero- or a very weak gravitation. The exosolar civilization has giant artificial worlds like O'Neill cylinders. Those cylinders would use an antimatter and fusion system that makes artificial sun in them and the antimatter can also transport those cylinders in interstellar space.  That civilization is that it comes to the solar s

Crossing speed of light, the cosmic speed limit.

To reach the Kardashev scale 3 the civilization requires faster-than-light- technology.  The simplest way to cross the speed of light is to equip the craft with a system that drives particles forward. When the craft reaches a speed that is close to the speed of light the accelerator will shoot those particles ahead. And that turns them into small black holes where the craft can drive. The other version is to equip the craft with the wheel. When it's as close to the speed of light as possible the wheel rotates and that thing can cross the speed of light.  Stargate can be the system is a thin water membrane in the frame, and then the high-speed craft will be drĂ­ven through that thing.  Theoretically crossing the speed of light can happen quite easily. The craft must only reach a speed that is higher than the speed of light in the water. In that model, the magnetic frame will lock the water layer or single-molecule water membrane in the frame. And then the spacecraft will travel throu

Bright GRB and interesting exoplanet.

"Astronomers think a long GRB (gamma-ray burst) arises from a massive, rapidly rotating star when its core runs out of fuel and collapses, forming a black hole in the star’s center. In this artist’s concept, two jets emerge from the dying star and interact with surrounding gas and dust. Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center Conceptual Image Lab" (ScitechDaily, NASA Tracks the Brightest Cosmic Event Ever Recorded – “This Thing’s Crazy!”) The new gamma-ray burst (GRB) unveils the secrets of the formation of black holes. NASA captured the brightest gamma-ray burst near a star that collapsed into a black hole. The gamma-ray burst might happen when the star explodes, and then the forming black hole starts to pull those supernova remnants into it. In that model suddenly forming effect causes an effect. Where those particles fall back to the gravity center. That causes a situation in which some particles impact each other. And there forming an electromagnetic vacuum there more

Omega level: limits of civilizations.

Could civilization exist over the end of the universe? Some ideas for this text are from "intelligent universe theories". The omega point means that the civilization will turn so advanced that it cannot develop any new technology. Could civilization exist over the end of the universe? Some ideas for this text are from "intelligent universe theories". The omega point means that the civilization will turn so advanced that it cannot develop any new technology. The omega civilization could be a cloud of superpositioned and entangled particles. That network analyzes data that it gets from radiation.  Is alien civilization limited to material? In this text, the idea is that civilization could rise to a high level and that it can leave its material existence. That omega civilization would turn into the controlled gravity waves that can deliver data and interact with other gravity waves.  The omega civilization would be rather a consciousness or mind than some kind of civil